Present: Anders, Maiken, Mattias, Balazs

Excused: Oxana (joined later), Ievgen


i) News:  Maiken reports that ACT machine is filling up disk, being investigated.  No news from others.


ii) What is missing for going on with ARC7 final release?

solution for the system CA use case

documentation (following an agreed priority list)

accountig v2 of Andrii

last round of bughunting meeting prior to ARC7 final

through testing of arc.conf changes in ARC7

iii) Bugs:

4191 needs investigation, can be a critical problem

4190: Ievgen agreed last week to look at it

4188: Will be fixed by Mattias

iv) AOB

The first developer call will take place next week or the week after. Still need to find a suitable timeslot.