10 September 2024, 14:00 - 14:30
Present: Maiken, Balazs, Ievgen, Mattias, Anders (after 14:20), Oxana
Apologies: Aleksandr
== News
- We'd need to keep an eye on Nagios probes, but they are released by Petter, so mostly outside of ARC. A new release is brewing.
- Developers call takes place in a week, a topic is needed. Data delivery might be one (data delivery as a stand-alone functionality); mixed certifiicates use case might be interesting as well.
== Bugs
- #4193 needs to be looked at, still
- #4195 is in work, needs testing, to be checked with the reporters
- #4191 - still unclear what's happening, to be assigned to Aleksandr
- #4185 - a certificates-related issue; workaround exists and needs to be documented
- #4183 - still needs investigation, but is a feature request now
A bug-hunting meeting is needed soon after the devels meeting.
== Release
Aiming at a proper ARC7 release in October 2024.