1 October 2024, 14:00 - 15:00

Present: Matias, Ievgen, Anders, Aleksandr (until 14:45), Balazs, Maiken, Oxana

== News

A mixed case of IGTF and Linux certificates is omnipresent, when some data are stored in regular public Web servers or public clouds (some of which may even use ad hoc self-signed certificates). See also https://bugzilla.nordugrid.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4179 . Many sysadmins argue that ARC should resolve this by mixing truct anchors. An option can be added to skip authentication in https. Alternatively, files from such sites can be fetched by the client and uploaded with the job as local input files - that won't work with millions of files though. It is also possible to switch trust anchors per source, only this flag needs to be exposed to the users. Needs to be discussed with the developers.

== Bugs

== ARC7

See https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PjZ8IzBl75Itd3GG6TazK_BDvhgi-UUHkpZsQY0ZU8o/edit?gid=995881542#gid=995881542

A list of tests to be done is made, most are assigned to relevant people. Documentation needs to be cross-checked, such that it reflects all the changes from ARC6 to ARC7. Web site needs to be cleaned up.

Accounting re-write status is not yet clear.

== AOB

Next developers call: tentatively on November 5