5 November 2024, 14:00 - 15:00
Present: Maiken, Anders, Mattias, Balazs, Aleksandr.
Apologies: Ievgen
== News
- ARC built on EPEL 10 is still in works, some dependencies missing. Ubuntu 24.10 and Fedora 41 are also in works.
- Bug with the 200 max transfers can't be reproduced.
- Work on documentation is in progress, more needs to be done.
- ARC8 should come with a data transfer service, "ARC Online", as there's need for it, time for the next developers meeting.
- Web site is back in business after some updates.
- Man pages for clients need to be synchronised with what -h says, or stop building them.
== Bugs
Nothing to address. Status of Nagios probes wrt ARC7 needs to be clarified.
== Release
6.21 is ready, can be tagged tomorrow.