3 December 2024, 14:00 - 14:45

Present: Mattias, Anders, Aleksandr, Balazs, Maiken, Oxana

== News

== ARC6 bugfix

 Situation is unclear, reports from ALICE sites are conflicting. Maybe more clear questions are needed. A new LDAP patch is in the pipeline, needs to be tested still.

== ARC7 

A blocker for HTCondor (#4224) is identified, needs more expertise and work.

ARGO tests from  ARC6 to ARC7 work, once arcrest plugin is installed, so chances are that ARC7 will also work. It is unclear whether token-based authorisation works, some issues are reported wirg ARC6 clients, which have only a limited  token support.

The goal is to have a release candidate in December.