Technical Coordination Weekly


Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet) , Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet)
ARC technical coordination group members and invited persons

14 January 2025, 14:00 - 14:50

Present: Ievgen, Maiken, Mattias, Balazs, Aleksandr, Anders, Oxana

== News

URT still exists, EGI is also checking VO details (including NorduGrid VO). Indigo IAM Hackathon at CERN is being organised on February 10, not very relevant for ARC, except of perhaps OpenTelemetry (can have Grafana as a visualisation tool). Hanseatic Science Cloud AHM takes place in Lund this week.

== Bugs

* 4224 is actually fixed
* 4232: OpenSSL 3.4 kills our nightly build because of the conflict with VOMS certificate attributes implementation in ARC
* Condor bugs 4229, 4230, 4231 are fixed, to be moved to resolved

== ARC7 release

Since several Condor-related bugs got fixed, a new release candidate 3 is needed. Status of bug #4204 is probably "fixed" (a duplicate of #4161?).

== AOB

Meeting regarding future ARC development is needed, some time in spring. Focus on data management.


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