4 February 2025, 14:00 - 15:08
Present: Maiken, Balazs, Mattias, Ievgen, Anders, Oxana
Apologies: Aleksandr
== News
- Halrik (Hanseatic Science Cloud) project needs unambigous user mapping, for personalised authorisation and eventually accounting. ARC-CE has lost this functionality.
- HEP/HPC strategy workshop: no clear outcome, lots of politics and still old-school access, with only some ideas regarding federated identities.
- ATLAS s/w week: some discussion on storage tokens: very many possibilities exist even within ATLAS, no clear workflow is defined, several token issuers are considered. This is particularly relevant for aCT, which currently doesn't work with tokens.
- In Switzerland, Alps couldn't be tailored for ATLAS, so they decided to build a dedicated HTC system.
- NordForsk issues a call for RI proposals: https://www.nordforsk.org/calls/call-proposals-nordic-research-infrastructure-hubs which can be relevant for ARC.
- OpenSSL 3.4 compatibility is being loked into.
- Old NorduGrid Wiki should be closed.
== ARC7
Documentation is in works, mainly regarding changes and migration instructions, see googledoc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PjZ8IzBl75Itd3GG6TazK_BDvhgi-UUHkpZsQY0ZU8o/edit?gid=2065735544#gid=2065735544
Next meeting will be dedicated to ARC7.
== Bugs
- GGUS is dead, Zammad is there instead
- A bug submitted on OpenPBS 20 not doing correct stageout promped some revision of backends and documentation on PBSPro vs OpenPBS