18 February 2025, 14:00 - 14:55
Present: Maiken, Aleksandr, Ievgen, Mattias, Anders, Oxana
Apologies: Balazs
== News
* ARC is invited to give a talk at HEPiX, probably will do it remotely
* GGUS ticket on VO info in tokens: WLCG suggests to implement an ad-hoc solution, perhaps we can collect different VO tokens (at least LHCb ones), and see if different variants can be mapped to actual experiments through configuration. A plugin per VO can be considered, if experiments are willing to support it. Alternatively, we can tell experiments what we support, and ask them to meet the requirement. Andrii would be the best person to ask what is the best implementation.
* Man pages issue is fixed
== Bugs
* PBSPro back-end was much outdated had several errors, the proposal is to consolidate it with the OpenPBS one, with the necessary adjustments
* WebDAV support is broken, likely a blocker for ARC7 and the fix may need to be back-ported to ARC6; should be treated similarly to https
* httpproxy support is also broken, needs fixing
== AOB
There are some changes with the nordforsk.org domain, probably nothing of concern.