25 February 2025, 14:00 - 14:50
Present: Mattias, Ievgen, Maiken, Anders, Aleksandr, Oxana
== News
NT1 has some travel budget for ARC-related meeting. Copenhagen is a good place. Possible dates: May 22-23, alternatively May 26-27-28.
Tokens: there's some discussion in bug #4236. The conclusion is to stick to the wlcg.groups for the time being, at least for the APEL accounting purposes. Alternatively, one can actually use issuer as a VO (WLCG Profile says so), mapping VO to the issuer URL in configuration. The latter will not work for SciTokens, because an issuer serves multiple VOs there. When and if a new token profile will come out, it'll be reconsidered. We can also make use of authplugins, if necessary.
Nightlies were failing on Debian unstable, hopefully fixed now.
== Bugs
See #4236 above; fix for #4232 should be ported to ARC6 as well (MR 1874).
== ARC7 release
Last part of the documentation is yet to be completed, gives some time to fix VO accounting with tokens. Exact date to be decided next week.