10 February 2016, 14:00 - 15:00
Present: David, Mattias, Aleksandr, Anders (joined at 14:20), Oxana
Excused: Balazs, Jon
= News
Fedora is re-building everything for Fedora 24, some failures in xrootd and somewhere else (not ARC), due to gcc 6, Mattias works on it.
There were lots of problems with ATLAS jobs at CREAM, probably because of the Java problem, possibly because of dropped support for md5 hashes in Java, which motivated people to consider ARC.
WLCG workshop: Condor flies high, calls to kill CREAM-CE and gLexec. Experiments want fewer and larger centres, NDGF-T1 was shown as an example of a federated storage approach. Accounting-wise, strong desire to use wall-time (not cpu-time and not HEPSPEC), benchmarking necessity in general is not too clear. No significant new trends, very little (almost none) discussion of non-batch solutions.
Anders and Martin still struggle with building python-lrms.
Anders wants to ban UTF-8 to avoid comments in non-English languages; Oxana argues that the real policy should be encouraging English *and* UTF-8. Should be mentioned in http://wiki.nordugrid.org/wiki/Coding_Rules .
Aleksand wonders what has a priority, performace gathering or configuration rework? Performance info can be collected quickly, before people change their mind. It was agreed to have a central perf datastore as an https server run in Copenhagen (see https://wiki.nordugrid.org/wiki/Logging_of_CE_performance_numbers). Anders needs more info of what is needed (any IGTF-certified CE is expected to be able to upload data).
= Bugs
* 3456 - reopened, but probably harmless
* 3163 - perhaps needs involvement from Andrew
= Meetings
Christian and Jon are going to Condor-ARC workshop in Barcelona.
NorduGrid conference theme is defined (evolution or revolution?).
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