core weekly 17.02.2016: 14:00 - 15:04
Present: Mattias, Aleksandr, David, Balazs
excused: Oxana, Jon, Anders,
David: discussion started with a UK (Glasgow) people about storage-less site setup with ARC utilizing the cache. There could be 12-15 such sites.
Mattias: Mattias is negotiating a dedicated Panda queue to access the Uppsala SNIC allocation at HPC2N. If he succeeds Lund may do the same :)
Aleksandr: Working on identifying bottlenecks in a-rex and on solutions to solve them.
Balazs: The performace testing of Iana is progressed a bit. At the end she will work with Kosice.
The configuration re-engineering proposal was sent out. Ulf liked it soo much that he even asked for more changes :) There is one week freeze, then the code changes will start. Meanwhile people should go through the arc.conf.reference and resolve the part with TODO or ??? (these are unknown defaults or unclear parameter descriptions)
i) minor release:
There is a need for a minor release to push out the a) performance metrics b) S3 object store support. Proposed preliminary date: 18th March
ii) roadmap
Did an update on the roadmap wiki. Surprisingly many items from the old roadmap was actually implemented. some became irrelevant. the outcome is here:
iii) bugs:
3532 ARCCE: No output files with MCOREs requested?
Christian will look at it.
3533 Include a cronjob for cleaning old JURA archives.
Gabor should take a look.
AOB) There is a need for regular bi-weekly meetings to discuss the nordforsk tasks. Proposed time-slot: every second Thursday 11-12
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