6 April 2016, 14:15 - 14:55
Present: Balazs, Jon, Mattias, Aleksandr, Oxana
Apologies: David
== News
Balazs is learning AGIS which is getting re-branded CRIS for common ATLAS and CMS usage. No dynamic info, only manually populated sources (GOCDB, OIM). "CR" is for Computing Resource, storage is left for later. All info will be somehow validated. Prototype delivery is scheduled for early June. Old systems will be still needed as long as monitoring systems use them. Lots of mapping is needed: queues on various levels to each other, services etc..
Jon is working on the script which should submit files somewhere, the somewhere is not defined yet.
Aleksandr is working on bugs.
Oxana is busy with CHEP16 abstracts, there will be a few on ARC.
== Development
There will be a developers' call on April 7.
Mattias has to catch up with arc.conf TODO items (in arc.conf.reference).
Performance monitoring: see Jon's report earlier. There will be one log per component per day, i.e., 4 files a day, uploaded to somewhere.
== Release
Aiming at Friday 15th. Jon is doing some testing, and is sure that all other developers tested their bugfixes. Perl module dependency for profiling is not quite solved yet.
== Bugs
Christian still didn't see his new bugs (come with patches), neither did Martin; Gabor did see his but hesitated to accept.
Aleksandr is slowly working on improving A-REX scalabilty, removing polling from it (most time is spent in polling and then doing nothing).
== NorduGrid conference
The plenary part is slowly taking shape. Balazs will do some preliminary schedule for the technical meeting.