Technical Coordination Weekly



Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet)
Technical coordination group members and invited persons
13 April 2016, 14:00 - 15:00

Present: David, Mattias, Anders, Aleksandr, Jon, Balazs, Oxana

= News

Mattias got the missing Perl module built for EPEL, needs more karma

APEL may want to switch to REST API, eventually, all will be in the SSM library, so no implication to us

David was fixing mess in ACT, which is handling quite many sites now ( - Anders actually authorises GIISes for ATLAS VO using this list).

There was developers' meeting last Thursday, in future they will be in Indico, with al the relevant info (Wiki links etc). The list of people assigned to configuration blocks is at and the other relevant page is at

= Bugs

David  found a new rare bug this morning (#3554), got assigned to Aleksandr. Anders asked Christian and Martin to check their bugs.

= Release

The script to push performance data is mostly OK, only batch system info is missing, will probably be fixed by Christian by Friday. Bugfixes are ported. Nightlies build. Release notes are not ready yet. Overall, the release looks like being on track for a tag on Friday April 15.

Server for the logs is not ready yet, needs more discussion with Petter. An exaggerated estimate is that it will have to store ~1Gb per hour, data lifetime should be ~1 week.

= A.O.B.

Farid proposes to discuss long-term research planning at the conference, e.g. on Wednesday afternoon.

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