Technical Coordination Weekly



Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet)
Technical coordination group members and invited persons
17 August 2016, 14:10 - 15:00
Present: Mattias, Jon, Aleksandr, Anders
Apologies: Balazs, Oxana

(No-one on the meeting had access to indico so a little help putting them into indico will be appreciated)

== News
Aleksandr: Not much. Added man page. Answered few mails from Maiken.
Anders: Not much. Added man page to packaging. Answered few mails from Maiken. Trying to move build stuff to fewer and newer HW.
Jon: Not much. Tried to add info from man page to sysadmin guide. Struggling to build docs on RHEL7. Anders suggests mock.
Mattias: Finished systemd stuff. All ARC packages orphaned twice last week. We should be able to get back in now. Looking into SSL.

== Release status
Release more or less ready. Must remember to bump gangliarc to 1.0.1. Packages to bump: arc1 -> 5.1.3, doc -> 2.0.9(?), gangliarc -> 1.0.1. Release notes still missing. Plan to release this week. MaikenJon will ping Anders when ready to tag.

== Bugs
Postponed to next week.
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