30 August 2016, 14:05 - 14:55
Present: Balazs, Mattias, David, Anders, Jon (briefly), Oxana

== News

Anders uploaded the release tarball, Mattias started a test build and will submit it to the builders soon. Anders had to replace the old build machine, but now everything is up and running. Docs are not tagged yet. David prepares CHEP contributions. Oxana reports that LHC expects to collect notably more data than anticipated; some discussion about ATLAS event service ensues, and some dreaming about databases for events.

== Bugs

Not much news; the VOMS proxy extension on Ubuntu 16.04 is (re)opened.

== A.O.B.

SC16 - no candidates yet.

The new release manager will be added to the meetings starting in September (to be added to the ng-core list).