25 August 2016, 10:00 - 10:45
Present: Florido, Torsten, Caterina, Magnus, Tore, Oxana
Jonas submitted a status report and SLA feedback by email.
Florido walks through the draft SLA (see attachment to the agenda). Few suggestions are made: add a notion of ETA for tickets/support requests, add the specific list of services proposed by Jonas as an annex (such that it can be updated without changing the core document).
Various deployment options of CentOS6 are being considered: Florido started investigating the IJS approach, and Jonas investigated the HPC2N approach as well as the Singularity tool. The latter appears to be the fastest way, and will be tested. ATLAS CentOS7 testers are also contacted.
The DPM-based storage setup used in UNIGE is a possible option, but the document is rather old and does not address the case of Rucio. Information from UNIGE experts is needed.
Iridium storage is now cross-mounted on Aurora, though the documentation is not ready yet.
10 Gb link to the Aurora storage is not yet ready, work in progress.
Installation of MC packages is not a top priority at the moment, since the key problem is CentOS6 compatibility.
Action points:
AP1: Caterina arranges a meeting with UNIGE esperts next week
AP2: Florido finalizes the SLA draft next week
AP3: Florido documents storage access from Aurora and project usage details
AP4: Florido gets familiar with the MC packages (not urgent)