4 October 2016, 14:10 - 15:15
Present: Balazs, Jon, David, Aleksandr, Maiken, Oxana
Apologies: Anders, Mattias
= ARC Camp
Settled to 28 November - 2 December, in Monor (near Budapest, Hungary). Accommodation and catering will be covered from the NordForsk project. Will start with brainstorming, then when everybody gets tired the normal day-to-day business will be addressed.
= News
Balazs followed remotely the digital infrastructures meeting in Cracow, there was an interesting workshop on future infrastructures, all based on high-level data services and such, no place for things like CE.
David and Oxana were at the ATLAS software week, much discussion on how to use HPC resources, especially in the US, there's an idea to implement a Harvester of cycles of all kinds, resembling aCT: asynchronous data staging, feedback loop from sites. Americans also want to get rid of SRM at small sites. Lots of hype about ObjectStore, but not rreally used for large datasets.
NeIC is hiring a storage expert.
= Release