18 October 2016, 14:05 - 15:10
Present: Balazs, Jon, Maiken, Aleksandr, Mattias (after 14:35), Oxana
Apologies: Anders, David
== News
Clouds are coming from all directions; Swedish e-Science meeting was clearly against scheduling and favoring clouds. European Commission plans to invest in clouds, too. EGI is busy rolling out new accounting portal.
Aleksandr is busy fighting OpenSSL. It is decided that the legacy proxies will not be supported starting with the next major release; the depreciation warning will be added to the 5.2 release notes.
Jon will have to be in Tromso instead of the ARC Camp.
Oxana attehned CHEP 2016, everybody is using analytics.
Mattias is also busy with OpenSSL, for Globus though. EL5 will not be supported (shoudln't be supported after March by RedHat anyway), EL6 must be supported untill the end of Run-II.
URT needs a reply regarding vulnerability CVE-2016-6354 (Jon or Maiken should reply to Linda) - we are not affected.
== Release
The release will be some time next week, since Anders has school holidays
== Bugs
Outstanding bugs:
* 3468 - still open
* 3163 - grows very old
* 3603 - has a matching GGUS ticket; has a workaround but needs to be fixed eventually
* 3604 - insufficient information, self-contradictory; Aleksandr suspects that ARC needs to be rebuilt against new 12.5-2 (i.e., will get fixed by the minor release)
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