25 October 2016, 14:05 - 14:50
Present: Balazs, Maiken, Jon, Aleksandr, Oxana
Apologies: Anders, Mattias, David
== News
Balazs got numbers from a SLURM developer, they expect to have a workload of 20-30 K running and 200-300 K waiting jobs at exascale machines; plan to be able to schedule jobs at 100+ Hz. Data is not involved in scheduling.
Balazs and Oxana where at the SNIC User Forum, some fascinating talks there. NeIC Code Refinery is positive about hosting an instant CA, and probably even the entire ARC code and testing repository.
Aleksandr wants to merge the event-driven A-REX scheduling (will replace the current one completely). This would need much testing. A release can be made from branch, given to larger sites for testing.
Miaken started looking at the Python-LRMS that Martin was developing.
== Bugs
* 3610 - fixed, can go into the release
* 3604 - needs attention from Anders (The resolution of interface is done during build time. That means after code is build one can change globus package version through versions 12.1-12.2. It should be somewhere in rpm/deb dependencies, and need to be generated during build time, altrernatively code can be changed to try both - old and new - calls during runtime)
== Release
Can go ahead after the two bugs above are fully fixed and merged.
== A.O.B.
Balazs will prepare initial tasks for the ARC Brainstorming Camp.
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