Technical Coordination Weekly



Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet)
Technical coordination group members and invited persons

8 November 2016, 14:00 - 14:50
Present: Mattias, Balazs, Jon, Anders, David, Maiken, Oxana (until 14:30)
Apologies: Aleksandr

== News


== Release

Rawhide and Debian; Anders supports Mattias regarding pushing "something else" into Rawhide and Unstable, "something else" being the openssl branch. It compiles but was never tested. The question is whether we should keep the name and/or what will be the number. Could be a pre-release or post-release.

Openssl re-work will not go to EPEL5, and needs testing to go to EPEL6. For the sake of Openssl alone it might not be needed to make it a major release. Unclear how much of backwards compatibility it breaks.

The proposal:

1. Tag 5.3.0rc1 from the 5.2 branch porting relevant commits from the openssl branch (the openssl branch itself was made from trunk)
2. Submit 5.3.0rc1 to Unstable and Rawhide - will buy us some time until February to test
3. If it turns out to break compatibility, make it 6.0.0

It remains to be checked with Aleksandr whether this plan is feasible and whether he knows of incompatibilities.

Maiken will start doing the merging a.s.a.p., Anders will enable nightlies.


== Bugs

3594: can be resolved as a won't fix (we agree with Aleksandr's comment 3)
3468: unclear what feedback Aleksander needs here, postponed to next call
3586: Mattias suggest that Luis should provide the text representation of the host cert, so that we can see if the host is affected by the globus changes of DN matching

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