15 November 2016, 13:00 - 13:50

Present: Anders, Balazs, Maiken, David, Aleksandr, Mattias (from 13:30), Oxana
Apologies: Jon

The meeting is dedicated to the openssl 1.1-compatible packages for the next stable Debian and Fedora 26. Fedora has a cut-off date for the 26 freeze some time soon.

The  last week's decision is confirmed: to tag the code 5.3.0 or so, but not documentation, and have neither release nor release notes. Anders is still unsure whether it should be a minor or a major version. The best option is to tag 5.3.0rc1, so far. This will become later a proper 5.3.0 release. The only backwards incompatibilities that Aleksandr knows of are removed support for non-RFC proxies and abandoned canl-c++. Last Wednesday WLCG and EGI confirmed that they do not use non-RFC proxies, and ARC client uses RFC proxies by default anyway, so it is a non-issue. Canl-c++ needs much more work to get compatible with openssl 1.1 (~1 week full-time), thus not feasible to be fixed in time. So, two components will be deprecated in 5.3: non-RFC proxies support and canl-c++.

It turns out that docs don't build on Fedora since October 5, there's a bug spotted by Mattias. Should be solved.

Mattias confirms that the Debian freeze-out deadline is December 14, Fedora 26 freeze-out is in January.

Everybody agrees that the tag/tarball for Debian and Fedora will be 5.3.0rc1, VERSION = 5.3.0. The steps for this week are:

1. Aleksandr closes bug #3592 as resolved/fixed, with a correct relevant revision number (the original one seemed to be a typo).
2. Anders tags and creates the 5.3.0rc1 tarball, and puts it online for Mattias in "testing".
3. Mattias submits the packages to Fedora and Debian, and checks why the documentation does not build on Fedora.