
Evidence for the Higgs boson's di-tau decay and studies of it's CP nature with the ATLAS experiment

by Dr Elias Coniavitis

H422 (conference room, not for teaching) (Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department)

H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

The evidence of the Higgs boson's decay to tau leptons is one of the most important results in Higgs physics since the discovery of the boson itself, confirming that it also couples to fermions. Using the relatively large sample of events selected in this analysis produced through Vector Boson Fusion (VBF), it is also possible to probe the CP nature of the Higgs coupling to vector bosons. I will present the ATLAS analysis that lead to the H->tautau evidence; as well as results of a new, promising approach to test CP-invariance in VBF H->tautau events.