21 October 2014
Europe/Stockholm timezone
In the next annual conference WINGS (Women in Great Sciences) will focus on the importance of interdisciplinary research and sponsorship for the development of young researchers careers. Over the last few years, interdisciplinary research has gained importance as a valuable path to accelerate scientific research by pushing different fields towards the solution of a specific research question. Young researchers can benefit from their participation in interdisciplinary projects by addressing and solving complex questions that are beyond the scope of any singular field. On the other hand, although mentorship is essential for young researchers while they develop their original research ideas and become independent, sponsors are crucial to connect and boost their careers. Sponsorship is not only about advice, but about commitment and reciprocity. An sponsor trusts you to advance in your career. http://wings.prodwebb.lu.se/event/wings-conference-2014
Stora Salen
AF Borgen Sandgatan 2 223 50 Lund