From Data Factories to Insight as a Service
The Annual NorduGrid Conference 2017 will be held in Tromsø, Norway, on June 28-30. As usual, the plenary conference days will be preceeded by the Technical Workshop starting already on Tuesday morning, June 27.
The Annual Nordugrid Conference is a long running tradition and the major annual gathering of the scientific community around the ARC middleware and thus brings together people from data intensive science and distributed computing including resource providers, technology developers and scientists both from academia and industry.
The conference theme this year is "From Data Factories to Insight as a Service" and will include presentations along the following three main topics, in addition to ARC reports:
- Data factories (sensor data from Internet of Things, large databases and datasets from both HPC simulations and data producing experimental instruments)
- Future computing (exascale directions, quantum computing, services and components for data intensive applications)
- Knowledge building (scientific insight gained from data analytics, unconventional workflows)
Participants are kindly asked to register and indicate whether they will attend both the plenary conference (Wednesday 14:00 - Friday 12:00) and the technical workshop (Tuesday 8:00 - Wednesday 12:00), or either of the events.