Technical Coordination Weekly



Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet)
Technical coordination group members and invited persons

24 January 2017, 14:05 - 15:00

Present: David, Anders, Mattias, Aleksandr, Maiken (intermittently), Oxana
Apologies: Balazs, Jon

= News

Oxana investigated EINFRA-12 call, turns out (of course) software development is out of scope. Mattias' patch to ROOT sent year ago was accepted. Freeze for the next Debian release is February 5, any new version to get there should be uploaded tomorrow the latest. Anders is fighting local infrastructure issues; trunk nightlies don't work on any platform (unit tests fail due to some incomplete work). Docs don't build on Fedora 25 in Mock (though do build on native Fedora 25). David is studying Harvester, Farid will join the discussion, too. Oxana is worried about the new parallel infosystem . Triolith has troubles with staging (3 servers, 75 parallel transfers), Jens discovers plenty of thread locking in the code, data staging system might need re-thinking; a-rex is slow discoverng that transfers have finished. David wonders if Aleksandr would like to have a look into it, Aleksandr might look into it later, after fixing trunk. Aleksandr is fascinated by the non-restarting a-rex issue reported in the mailing list. NeIC all-hands are ongoing, nothing special ARC-wise so far.

= Release 

Not much progress, unclear when to make the next bugfix release, perhaps in a couple of weeks (see bug discussion below).

= Bugs

Bug #3633 is a blocker currently. The request originally came from Christian, so he'll be asked to propose an alternative solution. 



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