Technical coordination group members and invited persons
31 January 2017 14:00 - 15:15
Present: David, Mattias, Maiken, Anders, Balazs, Aleksandr, Oxana
Apologies: Jon
= News =
UMD 4.4 should have 15.03u10, unless we can roll out 15.03u12 very soon; we'll try the latter first.
Registration to NG 2017 is open.
Balazs sent a reply to the list of issues from Slovenia.
Nightlies weren't building on some systems because of gfal2 and something else, but it still doesn't build even after fixes.
The client doesn't work with the new version of BDB for local jobs list, Andrej wonders whether it can't be replaced with sqlite. Aleksandr says there is a backend for sqlite already, it just needs to be specified in configuration.
EMI-ES instance works fine so far, information is faster, and no need to have 3 servers.
= Release =
Branch merging seems to be finished, we're OK for starting configuration re-structuring implementation (branching off), waiting for the rawhide to build first
= Bugs =
Bug 3633: sites should be advised to turn off performance metrics until the new release comes out. The perflog dir should be empty. The mail to sysadmins should contain exact configuration line disabling the reporting. A proper fix is to release without performance logging, as it turned out to be not useful. Current code in trunk is good enough, only "yes" should be changed to something more affirmative.