Sal F (K404 (Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department)
Sal F (K404
Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department
The discovery of a Higgs boson, with properties corresponding to those
predicted, completes the Standard Model of particle physics. This is the
final building block in our surprisingly accurate description of the
structure of the strong and electroweak interactions.
The Standard Model doesn't tell us anything about the nature of the matter
particles whose interactions it describes, however. We hope that data
taken at the LHC now and in the future will allow us to establish the
existence of physics beyond the Standard Model, and hopefully develop some
understanding of the origin of particle properties. This may be through
the observation of new particles, or deviations from the Standard Model
predictions when measuring particle properties. This colloquium will
review some key aspects of our current knowledge and how it was acquired,
followed by some speculations about what future LHC data might bring, and
a short discussion of the longer term directions in particle physics.
With kind support from the Royal Physiographic Society