7 March 2017, 14:10 - 15:33
Present: Maiken, David, Mattias, Anders, Balazs (after 14:45), Aleksandr (chat only), Oxana
= News
There was a brief failure in nightlies over the weekend, fixed by Mattias. David keeps debugging Triolith, maxload ran out of magic; Jens and Tiggi are busy debugging too, chasing locks and mutex peculiarities, but David suspects it is something else, unique to Triolith. Oxana was looking at projects and bugs. Balazs works on re-inventing infosystem for WLCG, which will obsolete LDAP, BDII etc. Info will be in a form of a json file in a well-known path (TM). The path will be in GOCDB. The deployment is expected in summer, some prototype validators already exist.
= Release
Maiken keeps track of tasks for 5.3 and all future releases in:
Aleksandr have mostly sorted out bug #3636 (mutex in Globus); Mattias sends the Globus patch upstream.
JURA->ES implementtaion is not that easy, as Kibana can not do nesting. Dima concluded that it's not worth the effort because of it. The add-on tool is still available and can be used. It can be advertised wider.
Performance logging: Aleksandr thinks it is not needed anymore and can indeed be dropped. It was much requested by NeIC though, so the final word might be NeIC's. David has an idea that perflogs can be sent to ES. Maiken will check with NeIC.
Testing facility: an EGI-style Early Adopters is a bit too taxing, but e.g. Abisko can be used for testing, also Abel's ce01. So 5.3 can be tested there.
= Bugs
* 3641: fixed now
* 3633: might get fixed by removing the code, or reducing functionality
* 3642: closed, but the observed problem might need a new bug report (dying watchdog)
* 3082 can be closed as wontfix
= ARC 6
Maiken will need help with merging, some conflicts may emerge. Balazs can help with the arc.conf.reference file. All config changes should be first brought into trunk, which then can be branched. The development (including config changes) will continue in trunk, not in any branch.
= A.O.B.
Anders reminds Christian about bugs 3163, 3625, 3615