Technical coordination group members and invited persons
21 March 2017, 14:00 - 15:30
Present: Aleksandr, Balazs, Anders, Mattias, Maiken, David, Oxana
= Merging issues
*Something* happened during configuration branch merging, a cleaner way would be to roll back a bit (some commits will have to be re-done), and ask Aleksandr to merge it. A proposed workflow: 1) roll back (done); 2) sync arcconf branch with trunk; 3) make sure arcconf is stil good; 4) merge arcconf back to trunk; 5) reapply commits that happened after the botched merge. Should be done in 2-3 days, to check intermediate steps via nightlies.
= Where to develop arc.conf
However, after more discussion it was decided that configuration developement will continue in a new branch, which will be regularly and carefully synced with the trunk (not all fixes in the trunk may go into the configuration branch). Only when the branch will be ready will it be merged into trunk as described above.
Balazs proposes to somehow remove discontinued development branches.
= News
Git vs SVN vs Mercurial: someone needs to make an [educated] decision. ATLAS s/w week saw discussion on harvester and containerisation (docker, singularity). Config meeting is scheduled to Friday March 24 at 13:00.
= Bugs
* 3644 - will be taken by Maiken
* 3603 - needs to be clarified still
* 3643 - not reproduced yet
* 3640 - Florido's proposal looks best
= Release
Code freeze was today. David will commit a patch to 3638. Abel and Triolith will be used as testing platforms. Perflogging will be kept as is for now; logs eventually can be sent to NeIC's ELK.