Friday arc.conf

Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

Present:Florido, Andrii, Mattias,  Aleksandr, Maiken,  David, Balazs, Oxana, Martin (three words at a time :)


1) Follow up on TODOS

-ACTION: Anders sets up a nightly build over this branch: pending

-ACTION: Balazs update/clean up the page: ongoing

-ACTION: Balazs to come with a progress tracker: done

-ACTION: Balazs to add ChangeLog.newconfig to the svn branch: done

-ACTION: ALL to carefully read the arc.conf.reference and confirm it is OK or come with proposal for changes (e.g. better variable,block names, right David :) and resolve the missing defaults and TODO items

confirmed reading: Andrii, Aleksander, Florido, Maiken, Balazs, David. Partially Mattias. Oxana is to read it now.

-ACTION: All should think about the question "how will you parse the new config for the component xyz you are responsible for?"  will you rely on a new parser to be developed by someone else, or you will modify existing parser(s): pending

-ACTION: Mostly for Andrii to think whether we could aim for the DNS-Index as a replacement for the current EGIS already together with the new config. Going for DNS.Index would even further simplify the config structure: pending


i) freezing the config structure:  target date next Friday. some TODOs are missing (mostly defaults). Also clarification wrt ganglia is needed.

TODO: review the remaining "enable type" variables,  think about ganglia (the two implementations).

ii) went through the pending TODOs in the arc.conf.reference, agreed changes:

-  unixgroup -> unixgroupmap  unixvo -> unixlistmap
- all and all= both should be OK and parsed properly. arc.conf.reference will have the empty versio without "="  - - shorten some of the block names wsinterfaces -> ws

iii) presented the change tracking google doc. first 3 column describe the changes, the rest of the columns to be used to track/indicate if a change is implemented for an ARC component.  use one of the following keywords: done, ongoing, n.a.


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