9:00 - 11:45, Martin, Florido, Maiken, Aleksander, Balazs, David, Gabor, Oxana, Andrii (for a short time)
1) defaultqueue
discussed, not relevant on the server side, no need for any arc.conf modification. Maybe infosys should mark the default server-side queue somehow...
2) default handling proposal
the main principles are endorseded: set defults in buildtime from one single location/file. Mattias comes with a technical proposal.
related TODO: Martin to provide the missing default values
3) [common/perflog]
agreed to introduce such a new block and move the related parameter(s) there
4) loglevel in [common]
decision: no need for such parameter
5) jura
long discussion between Aleksandr and Gabor. The major agreement was to make the job accounting files in controldir/log target-independent, i.e. do not put there the SGAS/APEL endpoint URLS and other accounting target related information.
decision: controldir/log should contain endpoint neutral logfiles!
other changes:
- fix: jobreport as loglevel
- change archiving=yes/no AND archivedir= some path
- archivettl=365: new feature to implement !
TODO: Gabor should start looking at the JURA/AREX code and understand the changes necessary for the target-neutral approach. We may need to come back to JURA again
6) order of the blocks
It is confirmed that the some of the blocks ARC:CONF is order dependent. Alekandr made a clarification regarding which blocks are those.
"Some parts of the configuration file are order-dependent: there can be blocks or
configuration variables that may require other blocks be defined earlier"
grid-manager' authorization blocks MUST come before grid-manager and their respective order.
TODO: Balazs update the arc.conf file and makes this info very much visible.
7) grid-manager block name:
[grid-manager] from now will be called [arex], including all the sub-blocks.
There may be some other "old fashioned" names that we should check.
TODO: Balazs carry out the changes in the reference file and look for other "old variable names"
8) [datadelivery-service] new block
agreed to have such a block for the stand-alone, separate service. a side-effect:
the general xml framework is not general any longer: it is now service specific. this may cause problems in the future if someone would like to develop a new hed service and use the xml config/profiles
9) block headers [queue/name]
agreement: introduce a new separator, the : for names in block headers see e.g. [queue:longqueue] vs. [arex/ws]
TODO: Balazs to update arc.conf
10) "name" parameters inside blocks
[queue:longqueue] AND name=longqueue
decision: remove all name parameters inside blocks now that we have a consistent block naming.
11) ganglia config
Decided to have one and only one place for ganglia config:
12) case sensitivity
no change from the old config, the new config is still case-sensitive
13) Attribute precedence in LRMS scripts/Valid attributes
this discussion was not conclusive, to be continued.
14) aob: new time slot for this meeting: send out doodle!
fill the doodle: http://doodle.com/poll/c97gbbbd5uf7h7za
OPEN Topics for the next call:
- Andrii's DNS-Index and the arc.conf
- repeating parameters in several blocks (e.g. authorizedvo)
- merging grid-manager/ws/cache and ws/candypond ?
- Attribute precedence in LRMS scripts/Valid attributes
- Oxana's feedback