3-5 May 2017
Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department
Europe/Stockholm timezone
The SMARTHEP kick-off meeting connects interested partners from both academia and industry, in order to launch common projects in the framework of the EU Innovative Training Networks. The first day of the workshop will be dedicated to explaining our research to other players, academic and not, through pitch talks and brainstorming that will facilitate the knowledge transfer between academia and industry and the collaboration on common projects. The second part of this workshop will be dedicated to reviewing the state of the art of real-time analyses in high energy physics, and discuss future directions and collaborations within academia. This project will enable a more effective data collection and data analysis, both in High Energy Physics and in commercial applications. Examples include data analysis in image capturing devices, risk assessment in medical insurance provision and smart cities/internet of things applications. This workshop is supported by the Grace and Philip Sandbloms fond. Vidyo link: https://vidyoportal.cern.ch/join/zFgstxGzDzi2
Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department
H422 (conference room, not for teaching)