Meeting of the board of the particle and astro-particle section, 13/03/2018:
Present: Arnaud, Caterina, Chad, Christian, Joakim, Roman, Yvonne.
* Caterina Doglioni was elected as “justeringsperson”.
* The minutes of the last meetng were approved.
* We are asked to write a one-page article in Swedish about the International Masterclasses, to be published in the third number of Fysikaktuellt in late September. This means that we need a good draft in June. Caterina has a two-page article in English, based on a template for press releases as well as information about the Lund Masterclasses. She will be it online and circulate the link. It should be shortened and edited first (Arnaud), then translated (Christian+Joakim). Icecube Masterclasses are possible in the future, so this has to be mentioned. Some information about the contact persons should be included so that high-schools touch base with us in the autumn.
* There was a board meeting of the Swedish Physics Society (SFS) on March 2. Of relevance for us is that we will make a new attempt to get some money from VR to pay the travel expenses of Swedish delegates at international organisations, to be coordinated by Arnaud and the chair of the section for nuclear physics. Other news are that the Nordic Physics Days in Copenhagen are cancelled this year, so the next edition will be in Uppsala in 2020. The Swedish Physics Days in 2019 will be hosted in Linköping.
* Our section lost 6000-7000 kr with Partikeldagarna 2017, which corresponds roughly to the payment of VAT. For the organisation of Partikeldagarna 2018 in Lund, there is a clear preference for the week of October 15, because it would allow to get a room for free. Other possibe dates are the week of 5, 19 or 26/11, but they are less favoured. To allow for an ATLAS-Sweden meeting on the Monday, Partikeldagarna would be on 16-17 October, and possibly another meeting to discuss the future PP strategy could be held on October 18. Feedback has to be sent by UU, SU and KTH before 23/3 to confirm the room booking. At the same time, suggestions for ht topics and/or invited speakers should be made. Caterina and Roman will also try to block some rooms at the guest house, but the handling of their payment has to be figured out.
* The next meeting of the board should be in late April or early May, to focus mostly on the organisation of Partikeldagarna.