Luis Sarmiento Pico
(Lunds universitet)
03/09/2018, 09:10
- Network, logistics
- Tutorial structure
- Lecturer introduction
Makoto Asai
03/09/2018, 09:40
- General introduction of Geant4
- Use-case studies in HENP, space, medicine and other user domains
- Global structure of Geant4
- Run, event, track, step, trajectory, etc.
- User classes
Dennis Wright
03/09/2018, 10:50
- Installation Guide
- Application developer’s manual
- Toolkit developer’s manual
- Physics reference manual
- Novice examples in Geant4 distribution
- Extended and advanced examples in Geant4 distribution
- LXR source code browser
- HyperNews
Makoto Asai
03/09/2018, 11:20
- Syntax of UI command
- Interactive mode / batch mode
- G4UIExective class
Mihaly Novak
03/09/2018, 11:50
- Introduction to Visualization
- Quick Looks at Seven Visualization Drivers
- Basic Visualization Commands
Makoto Asai
03/09/2018, 13:30
- Introduction to sensitivity
- Command-based scoring
- Add a new scorer/filter
Mihaly Novak
03/09/2018, 14:10
- Introduction
- G4VUserPhysicsList class
- Modular physics list
- Packaged physics lists
- Choosing appropriate Physics List
Makoto Asai
04/09/2018, 09:30
- Introduction
- G4VUserDetectorConstruction class
- Solid
- Logical volume
- Region
- Physical volume
- Placement
Makoto Asai
04/09/2018, 10:50
- G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction class
- Primary vertex and primary particle
- Built-in primary particle generators
- More on Particle Gun
Mihaly Novak
04/09/2018, 11:20
- Physics components
- General process interface
- Secondary production threshold
Makoto Asai
04/09/2018, 14:10
- Parametrized volume
- Replicated volume
- Divided volume
- Nested-parameterization
- Assembly volume
- Reflected volume
- Touchable
Makoto Asai
05/09/2018, 09:45
- Define scorers in the tracking geometry
- Reduction of user data
- Sensitive detector
- Hits
Makoto Asai
05/09/2018, 11:35
- Magnetic field
- Field integration and other types of field
- GDML interface
- CAD interface
- Geometry checking tools
- Geometry optimization
Mihaly Novak
05/09/2018, 13:30
-specific topics of standard EM physics modelling:
- energy-loss processes
- multiple scattering
- their role in Geant4 stepping
Dennis Wright
06/09/2018, 09:00
- Hadronic physics overview
- Pre-compound/de-excitation models
- Cascade models
Makoto Asai
06/09/2018, 09:45
- Define scorers in the tracking geometry
- Reduction of user data
- Sensitive detector
- Hits
Dennis Wright
06/09/2018, 10:50
- Elastic process
- Neutron physics
- Ion physics
- Capture, stopping and fission models
Dennis Wright
06/09/2018, 13:30
- String models
- Gamma- and Electro-nuclear models
- Radioactive decay
Dennis Wright
07/09/2018, 09:00
- Overview
- Geometrical biasing
- Physics biasing
- Bremsstrahlung splitting
Makoto Asai
07/09/2018, 11:20
- User limits
- User information classes
- Fast simulation (a.k.a. shower parameterization)
- Stack management
Dennis Wright
07/09/2018, 14:10
- Major versus minor releases
- What to look for in the release notes