Styrelsemöte 03/05/2018

Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

Arnaud Ferrari

Board meeting 03/05/2018

Participants: Arnaud, Caterina, Chad, Christophe, Christian, Riccardo, Yvonne.

* Justeringsperson: Riccardo was elected.

* Last minutes were approved.

* Article about Masterclasses:
- there is a first draft from a press release:
- pictures exist.
- we need UU and KTH/SU (Albanova) to add a bit of text: Arnaud Ferrari and Sara Strandberg add relevant information.
- Christopher Pettersson also organised Masterclasses in 2016:ör-en-dag.aspx
- New draft of the article to the board: May 31st
- Translation by Christian by midsummer.

* Partikeldagarna:
- everything sorted except invited speakers
- a pre-registration questionnaire can be sent around, deadline for answers by Friday, May 18th. Theory groups might not have a structured answer, experimental groups should answer via their leader. The purpose is to count people, as logistics is affected above 80.
- registration (with call for abstracts) should be open on August 1st, Caterina working on technical aspects with Indico.
- proposed fee: 500 + 500 (dinner) SEK, to be decided once we know the cost of the invited speakers.
- invited speaker: one possibility is about collider physics prospects at CERN, Christophe suggests to include also low-mass dark-matter discussions.
- second talk about the academic life/achievement of Stephen Hawking… or a public lecture?
- astro-particle physics talk: Icecube and other astro-particle experiments will have new results, but not necessary to have an invited speaker.
- other possibilities: lepton-flavour violation at LHCb with connections to other fields, cosmology and dark-matter, LSST and its data-taking.
- 5 talks to be prioritised: send the proposal to the board, every member ranks them and suggests speakers if possible (answering to Arnaud only), the chair compiles the answers. To be done by May 11 so answers to be sent to Arnaud by May 9.


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 10:00 10:05
      Election of justeringsperson 5m
    • 10:05 10:10
      Approval of last minutes 5m
    • 10:10 10:35
      Future article on Masterclasses 25m
    • 10:35 11:00
      Partikeldagarna 2018 25m
    • 11:00 11:05
      AOB 5m