chat-only meeting on skype with active participation of Maiken, Mattias, Aleksandr, Balazs, Andrii and Oxana
arc-conf-dev branch readiness:
Andrii: done
Aleksandr: needs two more weeks
Mattias: will finish this evening
backends & Infosys: Andrii worked on it, Aleksandr wants to recheck it because "I will have to check. No offence. But there are some subtle pecularities in how information is propagated."
Decision: we wait with the merging back to master yet, it may only happen after when Aleksandr explicitely gives a green light for that. a concervative estimate is 2-3 weeks from now. Maiken is back from vacation on 6 August, merge will happen after that.
Would be nice to have nightlies on the branch set-up.