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Phenomenology of Spin 1 Top partners

by Bithika Jain (Syracuse U., US)

HUB (Institutionen för teoretisk fysik)


Institutionen för teoretisk fysik

We often encounter top partners in most extensions of the Standard Model. Conventionally, spin-0 partners in SUSY and spin-1/2 partners in Composite/Little Higgs Models, have been the target of LHC searches and hence have been extensively studied. Another interesting possibility was suggested by Cai, Chen and Terning (CCT). Here, the left handed top quark is identified with a gaugino of an extended gauge group and its superpartner is a spin-1 top partner, which we dub the “Swan". In this talk I will discuss the phenomenological analysis of this model. I will first discuss the two main sources of current constraints on the model i.e precision electroweak fits and direct Z' searches at the LHC. Then, I will describe how the 125 GeV Higgs can be accommodated. Later, I will briefly discuss deviations in the Higgs couplings to gluons and photons induced by the new particles of the CCT model. Lastly, I will sketch out the possible signatures of the model at a 100 TeV collider.