Lund Laser Centre

LLC Excursion 2024


Welcome to join the LLC excursion on August 27!

This year we will visit Falsterbo, a town situated in the southern part of the Falsterbo Peninsula. In the morning we will get a tour of the Falsterbo Bird Observatory, and in the afternoon there will be time to visit the Falsterbo Museum and take a stroll in the town and/or at the beach.

  • We will gather at Kårhuset, LTH, at 08:30 am for departure by bus
  • We expect to be back in Lund at approx. 4.00 pm
  • Coffee and lunch will be served during the day

Please register on this page no later than August 19 if you want to join us. Please inform us if you have special food requirements.

Everyone within LLC and the LTH profile area Photon Science and Technology is welcome to join, master students and guest researchers as well.

We hope you will all join us!

