Despite the short time, the conference is expected to have a lively social programme!
A social dinner on Thursday evening will take place at restaurant Hjulet , and they asked us to send menu preferences in advance, to speed up serving. Please check their menu (English version here) and let us know what would you like to have, either by mail or by Tuesday afternoon on spot. We've got no sponsorship for the dinner, so the participants will pay for themselves.
A visit to the European Spallation Source site will take place on Friday afternoon, make sure you do not wear skirt or dress!
And, as always, a football game will take place regardless of the weather (which is so far forecast to be perfect) on Wednesday evening at ca 19:00, at the Smörlyckan sports grounds.
Lunches during the conference are not organised, there are many small cafes around, some of the nearest ones are indicated on this map.