2-5 June 2015
University of Bern, UniS building
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Data Intensive Science on HPC

The annual NorduGrid conference will be held on June 4-5 2015 in Bern, Switzerland. The conference will be preceded by the technical workshop on June 2-3.

This year's theme is "Data Intensive Science on High Performance Computer systems". The conference brings together people from data intensive science, resource providers, developers of resource connectors and industry. It offers contributions on the following topics.
  • Future of data intensive computing
  • Academic computing in Switzerland
  • Application trends
  • Provider trends

Participants are kindly asked to register and indicate whether they will attend both the conference and the workshop, or either of the events. The conference is free of charge, however, the common dinner on June 4th on own expense (please indicate participation in the registration form).

Both conference (room A003 at the entrance), technical meetings and NorduGrid collaboration board (room A301 on the third floor) are held in the UniS building of the University of Bern (Schanzeneckstrasse 1, 3012 Bern), 5 minutes walk from the railway station (see Venue link left).
Vidyo stream:
University of Bern, UniS building
Schanzeneckstrasse 1, 3012 Bern, Switzerland