ESS symposium arranged by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences' Physics Class

In-person in Auditorium Tycho Brahe, Partikelgatan 2, ESS - Zoom . (Zoom ID 62666710324) (ESS and Zoom)

In-person in Auditorium Tycho Brahe, Partikelgatan 2, ESS - Zoom . (Zoom ID 62666710324)

ESS and Zoom

    • 09:00 10:51
      BLOCK 1: Overview of ESS and MAX IV, the wider impact of the Swedish ESS contribution, the planned Science Village
      • 09:00
        ESS Director General: Overview of ESS; science and project status (25 + 5 minutes) 30m
        Speaker: Helmut Schober (ESS)
      • 09:30
        Director MAX-IV: Overview of MAX-IV (17 + 5 minutes) 22m
        Speaker: Olof Karis (Lund University)
      • 09:52
        Status of the ESS Accelerator System (17+5 minutes) 22m
        Speaker: Mats Lindroos (ESS and Lund University)
      • 10:14
        Longterm socio-economic effects of investments in ESS (17+5 minutes) 22m
        Speaker: Ari Kokko (CBS)
      • 10:36
        Science Village between ESS and MAX-IV (10 + 5 minutes) 15m
        Speaker: Pia Kinhult (ESS)
    • 10:51 11:10
      Coffee/Tea 19m
    • 11:10 13:10
      BLOCK 2: The ESS main programme of research using neutrons
      • 11:10
        Probing material structures, dynamics and functionality with ESS instrumentation (25 + 5 minutes) 30m
        Speaker: Pascale Deen (ESS)
      • 11:40
        Quantum Materials (17 + 5 minutes) 22m
        Speaker: Martin Månsson (KTH)
      • 12:02
        Power-to-X; Observing Energy Conversion Live (17 + 5 minutes) 22m
        Speaker: Luise Theil Kuhn (DTU and ESS Scientific Advisory Committee)
      • 12:24
        Neutrons for Integrative Studies of Biological and Biomedical Systems (17 + 5 minutes) 22m
        Speaker: Trevor Forsyth (Medical Faculty Lund University & Director of LINXS)
      • 12:46
        Northern Lights on Food? (17 + 5 minutes) 22m
        Speaker: Tommy Nylander (Lund University)
    • 13:10 14:10
      Lunch 1h
    • 14:10 16:10
      BLOCK 3: Fundamental physics at ESS