4-7 June 2018
Garching bei München, Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone


The conference and the technical meeting will take place at:

Seminarraum MPA E.0.11

Max-Planck-Institut f. Astrophysik
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 1
85748 Garching/Germany       

(Building 38 on this  map  )

Munich is easy to reach by plane/train/car/bikeGarching campus is about 25 min with subway U6 from city center, and about 45 min from the airport by public transport or about 20 min by taxi (~35 Euro). More details can be found at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics page.

Public transport tickets:

To get from Munich to Garching and back we recommend to buy a day ticket, you need "Munich XXL" for 8.90 Euro.

If it should also cover trip from/to Airport then you need "Munich Entire Network/Gesamnetz" for 13.00 Euro.

See detailed info.


There are several Hotels in Garching (1 stop by U6 or 30 min walk)


And of course there are many more hotels downtown Munich. A nice quarter, easy to reach by U-Bahn (U6 line) is Maxvorstadt. There are several affordable hotels close to station Universitaet . Check out any of the regular services such as booking or hrs .