31 May 2016 to 3 June 2016
Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice
Europe/Bratislava timezone

Tuesday morning: Reports and Presentations

31 May 2016, 09:00
Lecture hall M3 (Univ. Building on Moyzesova 11)

Lecture hall M3

Univ. Building on Moyzesova 11


Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet)


- Balazs: ARC 101 - David: A-REX Cache related services & features: the overview - Mattias: Status report from the binarians: code base, distributions, dependencies - Jon: Release management in action - Martin: ARC SDK overview - Christian: Backend status report - Andrii: Torque jobs scanning back-end experimental rewrite - Aleksandr: Proxies & delegations in ARC: a brief overview and recent changes - David: The hidden truth about how ARC CE is used in Atlas Distributed Computing - Aleksandr: Internal restructuring of A-REX for improved scalability - Balazs:Towards a new ARC.CONF configuration: status update, next steps - Oleksandr Boretsky: Integrating container-based virtualization technologies into ARC-powered grid infrastructure - Iana Kokriashkina: Grid-node software as a tool for interaction with Grid network (could be in the afternoon) - Doug Jacobsen: Ph.D,NERSC Computer Systems Engineer (afternoon) Shifter, an implementation of Linux Environment Containers for HPC

Primary author

Balazs Konya (Lunds universitet)

Presentation Materials