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3 ECTS PhD-school: Dark Matter; Distribution, origin, detection and production

H422 (conference room, not for teaching) (Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department)

H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

With kind support from: * The Royal Physiographic Society, * Grace and Philip, Sandblom's fund * Erasmus
    • 09:00 10:00
      Cosmology, Astronomy and Dark Matter 1 1h H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

      - Brief review of observables, measurement and timescales in astronomy - Classical evidences for dark matter: galaxy clusters and the virial theorem; rotation curves - What dark matter is not
      Speaker: Prof. Justin Read (University of Surrey)
    • 10:00 10:15
      Break 15m H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

    • 10:15 11:15
      Dark Matter production and indirect searches 1 1h H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

      Production: Introduction; Freeze-out mechanism; Freeze-in mechanism; Decays of other particles; Gravitational production; Misalignment mechanism; Spontaneous symmetry breaking; Asymmetric DM
      Speaker: Prof. Jose Cembranos (Complutense University of Madrid)
    • 11:15 11:30
      Break 15m H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

    • 11:30 12:30
      Direct searches and searches at the LHC 1 1h H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

      - What are we looking for? - Overview of what we know and do not know about the dark matter and possible candidates for the dark matter. - Dark matter particles as the earliest relics from the Big Bang.
      Speaker: Prof. Graciela Gelmini (University of California Los Angeles)
    • 12:30 13:30
      Break 1h H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

    • 13:30 18:50
      Problem solving 5h 20m Different offices

      Different offices

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

    • 09:00 10:00
      Cosmology, Astronomy and Dark Matter 2 1h H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

      - Cosmology primer - Homogeneous Universe; FLRW metric; Friedmannn equation; the “Lambda Cold Dark Matter” (LCDM) standard cosmological model
      Speaker: Prof. Justin Read (Surrey)
    • 10:00 10:15
      Break 15m H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

    • 10:15 11:15
      Dark Matter production and indirect searches 2 1h H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

      Production: Freeze-out mechanism; Freeze-in mechanism; Decays of other particles; Gravitational production; Misalignment mechanism; Spontaneous symmetry breaking; Asymmetric DM
      Speaker: Prof. Jose Cembranos (Madrid)
    • 11:15 11:30
      Break 15m H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

    • 11:30 12:30
      Direct searches and searches at the LHC 2 1h H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

      - Introduction to dark matter searches. - Introduction of direct dark matter detection. World wide efforts. - The main elements of the expected rate in direct detection experiments (detector response, cross section and halo model) and their uncertainties.
      Speaker: Prof. Graciela Gelmini (UCLA)
    • 12:30 13:30
      Break 1h H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

    • 13:30 18:50
      Problem solving 5h 20m Different offices

      Different offices

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

    • 09:00 10:00
      Cosmology, Astronomy and Dark Matter 3 1h H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

      - Inhomogeneous Universe - Numerical simulations of structure formation in LCDM - Evidence for dark matter from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and Large Scale Structure - The “bullet cluster” and evidence for particle dark matter
      Speaker: Prof. Justin Read (Surrey)
    • 10:00 10:15
      Break 15m H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

    • 10:15 11:15
      Dark Matter production and indirect searches 3 1h H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

      - Indirect detection I : Gamma rays
      Speaker: Prof. Jose Cembranos (Madrid)
    • 11:15 11:30
      Break 15m H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

    • 11:30 12:30
      Direct searches and searches at the LHC 3 1h H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

      - The local distribution of dark matter in our galaxy. - The expected annual modulation of the direct detection rate. - Past hints of dark matter in direct detection experiments.
      Speaker: Prof. Graciela Gelmini (UCLA)
    • 12:30 13:30
      Break 1h H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

    • 13:30 18:50
      Problem solving 5h 20m Different offices

      Different offices

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

    • 09:00 10:00
      Cosmology, Astronomy and Dark Matter 4 1h H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

      - The Lyman-alpha forest and the temperature of dark matter - Near-field cosmology and “small scale puzzles” in LCDM - Including the effect of “baryons” (stars and gas) in the models
      Speaker: Prof. Justin Read (Surrey)
    • 10:00 10:15
      Break 15m H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

    • 10:15 11:15
      Dark Matter production and indirect searches 4 1h H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

      - Indirect detection II : Neutrinos
      Speaker: Prof. Jose Cembranos (Madrid)
    • 11:15 11:30
      Break 15m H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

    • 11:30 12:30
      Direct searches and searches at the LHC 4 1h H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

      - Halo-dependent and halo-independent direct detection data analysis. - The future of direct dark matter detection. - Introduction of search strategies at the LHC
      Speaker: Prof. Graciela Gelmini (UCLA)
    • 12:30 13:30
      Break 1h H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

    • 13:30 18:50
      Problem solving 5h 20m Different offices

      Different offices

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

    • 09:00 10:00
      Cosmology, Astronomy and Dark Matter 5 1h H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

      - Beyond LCDM. Self-interacting and warm dark matter; alternative gravity models. - Future probes of dark matter: Gravitational lensing; stellar stream bumps.
      Speaker: Prof. Justin Read (Surrey)
    • 10:00 10:15
      Break 15m H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

    • 10:15 11:15
      Dark Matter production and indirect searches 5 1h H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

      - Indirect detection III : Antimatter (antiprotons and positrons)
      Speaker: Prof. Jose Cembranos (Madrid)
    • 11:15 11:30
      Break 15m H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

    • 11:30 12:30
      Direct searches and searches at the LHC 5 1h H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

      - Complete and simplified dark matter models and their searches at the LHC. - Complementarity of dark matter searches.
      Speaker: Prof. Graciela Gelmini (UCLA)
    • 12:30 13:30
      Break 1h H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

    • 13:30 14:30
      Wrap-up and distribution of examination problems 1h H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      H422 (conference room, not for teaching)

      Fysiska institutionen-Physics Department

      dat-file Cembranos-examination-problems