Svenskt kärnfysikermöte 2024

from Wednesday, 30 October 2024 (13:00) to Friday, 1 November 2024 (17:00)
Fysicum (Sal A)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
30 Oct 2024
31 Oct 2024
1 Nov 2024
09:00 Radiation Detection in the environment and elsewhere - with a salty touch - Christian Bernhardsson (Lund University, Medical Radiation Physics Malmö)   (Sal A)
09:40 SMRs - What will the impact be on global 3H and  14C emissions? - Simon Brandt (Lund University)   (Sal A)
10:00 Radiocarbon in Swedish coastal waters - Kristina Stenström (Lunds universitet)   (Sal A)
10:20 --- Fikapaus ---
10:50 Non-linear time-dependent modelling of heterogeneous nuclear reactors - Fredrik Öhrlund (Lund University)   (Sal A)
11:10 Theoretical study on physiochemical properties and dispersion of radioactive particles/aerosols and their effect on minimum detectable dose in exposed humans for European Spallation Source releases - Belikse Ramljak (Lund University)   (Sal A)
11:30 Developments of neutron-gamma emission tomography for radioactive waste characterization - Rafael Escudeiro (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)   (Sal A)
11:50 --- Lunch Break at LTH ---
09:00 Exploring nuclear structures with QFS reactions at R3B - Valerii Panin (GSI, Darmstadt)   (Sal A)
09:40 Characterising a Super Heavy element RECoil detector (SHREC) - Marwan Mohamed (Lund University)   (Sal A)
10:00 Isomeric yield ratio measurements in the alpha-particle induced fission of Thorium at 32 MeV - Simone Cannarozzo (Uppsala University)   (Sal A)
10:20 --- Fikapaus ---
10:50 Imaging the Nuclear Structure in Ultra-Relativistic Nuclear Collisions - You Zhou (Niels Bohr Institute)   (Sal A)
11:30 Anomalous B4/2 ratio in the osmium isotopic chain - Irene Zanon (KTH - Royal Institute of Technology)   (Sal A)
11:50 Lifetime measurements in odd-mass tellurium - Ebba Ahlgren Cederlöf (KTH/Uppsala university)   (Sal A)
SFS-KF Annual Meeting (until 13:30) (Sal A)
13:30 Welcome - Andrea Idini   (Sal A)
13:40 Recent highlights from the BESIII experiment - Karin Schönning (Uppsala universitet)   (Sal A)
14:00 Λ-Λ hyperons: journey towards the understanding of the hyperon-hyperon interactions in neutron stars - Gandharva Appagere (Stockholms Universitet)   (Sal A)
14:20 Wavefunctions of deformed nuclei in the collective space - Erik Kronkvist (Lund University, LTH) Filip Agert (Lund University, LTH)   (Sal A)
14:40 --- Fikapaus ---
15:10 Hyperons in neutron stars and mergers   (Sal A)
15:50 Advancements in Hyperon Tracking with the PANDA Detector Using Geometric Deep Learning - Nikolai in der Wiesche (Uppsala University / University of Münster)   (Sal A)
16:10 Chiral Lagrangians at Higher Orders - Johan Bijnens   (Sal A)
13:00 Teaching advanced courses in a sustainable manner – example from the GRE@T-PIONEeR project - Christophe Demaziere (Chalmers University of Technology)   (Sal A)
13:40 Modelling fission particle evaporation using TALYS - Ali Al-Adili (Uppsala University)   (Sal A)
14:00 Local Bayesian mixture of different occupations for nuclear mass predictions - Melvin Storbacka (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)   (Sal A)
14:20 The beta-decay properties of N=Z nuclei: Role of neutron-proton pairing and the shell model interpretation - Priyanka Choudhary (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)   (Sal A)
14:40 --- Fikapaus ---
15:10 Modeling of fission-fragment charge and istotopic distributions - Peter Möller (Lund University)   (Sal A)
15:50 Formation of heavy elements in drift plus diffusion dynamics - Martin Albertsson (Lund university / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)   (Sal A)
16:10 Inclusive cross-section of deformed 24Mg from the Generator Coordinate Method - Jennifer Boström (Lund University)   (Sal A)
16:30 --- Aktiv paus ---
16:50 NuPeCC Matters - Prof. Dirk Rudolph (Lund University)   (Sal A)
SFS-KF Annual Meeting - Andrea Idini Chong Qi (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) (until 18:00) (Sal A)
19:30 --- Dinner at IKDC ---
12:10 Closing Remarks - Andrea Idini   (Sal A)